Sunday 15 November 2009

experimental project...

So far, I'll be honest in saying, the experimental project has unfortunately got pushed to the background as I have been heavily focusing on the 11 second club as I am really enjoying the character design and character animation involved, and being able to draw so much!

When thinking of ideas for this I immediately thought about doing sand animation. I had seen quite a bit of it previously and watched many videos of people performing it live in shows and to audiences and it amazed me. I thought about trying this for my experimental piece as it would give me an opportunity to do so.
Earlier on I created a rough dope sheet, just so I knew where the accents in the music piece I chose were. I was going to do some tests using sand and just seeing what I could create using it, however so far I've been distracted drawing and filming my character animation instead and havn't really got anywhere with it other then finding images from sand animation that inspire me and drawing some images I would like to create...


I had a tutorial today and spoke to Andy about how I hadn't got far with the experimental project. It suddenly clicked that I'm obviously more keen to draw then I am experiment with other different materials. Andy showed me an experimental example by Robert Breer and talked about how Breer helped to loosen up the drawing and animating style of Joanna Quinn. I found this really interesting and it was the first time I'd thought of doing something so simple and free for an animation. However I think it could be a really interesting idea and experiment for this project.
Part of what my character animation lacked in the beginning stages were looseness of drawing and getting the motion before making everything really neat and looking like a character. By doing this experiment I will hopefully learn to make my drawing much looser and freer and see what comes from free drawing onto postcards with different lines, colours and materials.

Robert Breer film -

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