Tuesday 7 December 2010

playing with the colour...

Having got some feedback from Kathy about the background designs, I have worked on them a little further today in between animating and other bits and bobs. As they were looking a little pale, I first very quickly just tried to use similar colours, just bolder and slightly stronger however I think this came out a little garish. But I could see what Kathy meant about it being a little pale, and needing a bit more.

I then looked at a lot of background designs on animation backgrounds blog, and there are some really lovely pieces and really stylised ones. I then worked over the piece again and I think I'm definitely improving...

I used much more shading and lighting techniques on this one, but made the colours stronger and bolder as well. I also took some shades out of the grass and made it a bit simpler in the tones I used. I think it is starting to look a little better, however I really want them to look professional and working perfectly for the final piece, so I need to keep working on them and developing my style and skills after the hand in on Friday.

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